Found 3 blog entries tagged as Home Staging.

Questions to Ask when Selling your Home

If you’re thinking of selling your house, you probably have a lot of questions that need answers. In fact, asking the right questions is key to selling your home successfully and for the best price.

Here are some of the most important questions to ask:

1) How much is our house likely to sell for on today’s market? What should the listing price be? What are the selling costs?

2) How long will it take to sell? What happens if our house takes longer than expected to sell?

3) How do we prepare our house for the sale? Will we need to make any major improvements? Will we need to hire a contractor?

4) What’s ‘home staging’? Will we need to hire a professional stager? Can we do some of that staging work ourselves?

5) What happens when we get…

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The Importance of Depersonalizing your Home

When a buyer views your home for sale, they want to visualize themselves living there. They want to imagine cooking in the kitchen, relaxing in the living room, and enjoying get-togethers with family and friends.

However, when they see a baseball trophy on the mantle with your name on it, that visualization crumbles. That’s why it’s smart to depersonalize your home as much as possible when selling.

You don’t have to go too far. Simply do what you can to remove items that scream “We live here!” Consider stowing items such as:

1) Trophies, diplomas, certificates and anything else with a name prominently displayed on it.

2) Personal and family pictures.

3) Mementos, knickknacks and other items of a personal nature.

4) Notes, pictures,…

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 Seven Master Bedroom Staging Ideas

As you may know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room so that, overall, your home looks as appealing as possible to buyers. It’s similar to what furniture stores do when they create displays of model bedrooms, kitchens, etc.

When you’re staging your home, the master bedroom is particularly important. Here are some simple staging tips worth trying:

1) Consider using mirrors to make the bedroom seem larger and more comfortable.

2) Put a new comforter on the bed.

3) Update the wattage or add a lamp if the lighting is dim. (Make sure lights are turned on during a viewing.)

4) Be ruthless when removing clutter from the room, particularly the closet. Don’t have anything stored under the bed.

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