Found 3 blog entries tagged as Showings.

5 Ways to Add Fun to the Selling Process

When you think about selling your property, do you dwell on the possible work and stress involved? You’re not alone. Many homeowners share the same concerns.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, there are plenty of ways to add some fun, anticipation, and even a sense of adventure to the selling process. Here are just a few ideas:

Plan fun things to do when your home is being shown. That can include walks, sports activities, or trying something you and your family have never done before.

Declutter for your own benefit. Instead of thinking about decluttering as a chore required for the sale, focus instead on how much more comfortable your home will be after decluttering. Studies consistently show that less clutter reduces stress and…

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Preparing for a Day of Multiple Viewings

When you’re selling your home, several viewings of your property may be scheduled on the same day. That can be a good thing because it can create increased excitement about your listing.

To prepare for a multiple viewings day, follow these tips:

  •          Clean and prepare your home the day before. That way, you’re not scrambling to get things ready in the morning.
  •          Confirm the time of the first appointment. Schedules can change quickly.
  •          Plan to leave your home a half-hour before the viewings begin. Some buyers might feel awkward if they run into you as you’re coming out.
  •          Make a last-minute checklist.
  •          Assume the viewings will go overtime. Plan to be away at least a half-hour after the…

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Tips to Keeping Your Home Ready for Showings

The big part of selling a home is showing it to perspective buyers as it’s a must to make your home available to those who are in the market to buy. Without showings and open houses, there is really no point in selling your home. While it’s true that showing your home can be a juggling act that requires consistently being on top of things, with a few tweaks, you can make this part of selling your home less stressful.

Prepare your home for selling means decreasing the clutter and making everything more manageable. Once you have organized and prepped your home, it should be a little easier to keep things in their place.

Get the whole family onboard with pitching in. Many hands make light work. The kids,…

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