Found 81 blog entries tagged as YEG.

Mega Open House Tour

You are cordially invited to a MEGA OPEN HOUSE TOUR!!

When: Sunday, February 5, 2023

Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Creekwood, Chappelle Neighbourhood SW Edmonton. Click here for the map and locations of all the homes participating in the tour!

Check out over 24 different properties located in the sought-after communities of Creekwood/Chappelle. The homes are resale and new construction homes - definitely a must-see!

ENTER TO WIN AN iPAD courtesy of Klair Custom Homes!

Here's how: There are over 24 homes to view - enter a draw at each location and increase the odds of winning!  View one or all of the homes! The winner will be announced at 5:00 pm at Klair Custom Homes Showhome located at 5606 Cautley Cove.

Located Specifically…

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When you think about selling your property, do you dwell on the possible work and stress involved? You're not alone. Many homeowners share the same concerns.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

In fact, there are plenty of ways to add some fun, anticipation, and even a sense of adventure to the selling process. Here are just a few ideas:

  1.     Plan fun things to do when your home is being shown. That can include walks, sports activities, or trying something you and your family have never done before.
  2.     Declutter for your own benefit. Instead of thinking about decluttering as a chore required for the sale, focus instead on how much more comfortable your home will be after decluttering. Studies consistently show that less clutter…

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Lists to make when selling your home

When you put your property up for sale, you want to make sure that potential buyers get all the information they need on the features of your home and its surrounding area. If, for example, a buyer doesn’t realize there is a great school just a couple of blocks away, he might cross your property off his shortlist.

An effective way to make sure something like that doesn’t happen is to create three lists.

#1: The “I’ll Miss It” list.

Chances are, there are things about your home that you’re really going to miss when you move. It may be the spacious living room, ideal for entertaining. Or maybe it’s the nearby park with scenic trails, perfect for walking and biking, or the large deck that has just the right combination of shade and sun to make…

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What is it about your property that stands out? What will buyers like most about it? What are the most enticing features if your home?


Answering those questions will help you determine which features to emphasize when selling your home. After all, you want buyers to notice and appreciate your property’s best characteristics.


But here’s the challenge...


It can be difficult to determine which features of your home are particularly desirable to buyers. You live there! So, there might be a fantastic characteristic of your property that you’ve gotten used to. You might not even realize its true value.


One way to gain perspective is to ask friends, “What is it about our home that you like most? What stands out to you?”…

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day was first established as an observance in 2013, as part of an effort to promote awareness and education of the residential school system and the impact it has had on Indigenous communities for over a century. The impact of the residential school system has been recognized as a cultural genocide, and continues to this day. The use of an orange shirt as a symbol was inspired by the accounts of Phyllis Jack Webstad, whose personal clothing—including a new orange shirt—was taken from her during her first day of residential schooling, and never returned. The orange shirt is thus used as a symbol of the forced assimilation of Indigenous children that the residential…

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Oil and Gas Capital Spending

Rob Roach, ATB Economics 

Oil and gas capital spending better but far from great

As expected, oil and gas extraction capital spending in Canada has improved since the lows reached last year due to the oil price crash and the onset of the pandemic.

Seasonally adjusted spending by oil and gas companies in the second quarter was 46.4% higher than during the same period last year for an increase of $1.8 billion.

There is still some catching up to do with spending over the first half of the year down by 10.3% ($1.3 billion), but forecasts suggest that the difference will be made up over the second half of the year.

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Emergency Preparedness

Emergency situations, or States of Emergency, can happen when you least expect it. The 2013 flooding in Southern Alberta is proof that all citizens need to be prepared for any type of emergency situation. We have provided some information on how to be prepared for emergency situations should the event arise.

The main thing is to have an emergency preparedness kit ready.Included in this kit should be enough resources to last at least 72 hours:

~ 4 litres of water per person for 3 days. (Note that the water from the toilet tank and hot water tank can be utilized.)
~ 3 days, or more, worth of food. Include items that do not spoil and are easy to prepare: energy bars, canned goods, dried fruit and nuts.
~ Non-electric can…

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Tips for Organizing Paperwork - Complete Shredding Solutions


Imagine you’re viewing a home for sale. You venture to the basement, check out the furnace room, and notice the water heater. Is it owned or rented? As a potential buyer, you’d want to know. 

Now imagine a property you’re viewing has a brand-new gas fireplace. Nice! Is it under warranty? Is that warranty transferrable to you if you buy the home? Again, you’d want to know.

So, when you’re selling, it’s important to pull together all the necessary records you will need in order to answer these types of buyer questions. After all, if a particular warranty transfers to the new owner, that’s a selling point.

Take the time to find receipts, warranty certificates, and other documents related to:


  •          Renovations (such as a…

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