Found 3 blog entries tagged as yeg real estate.

Lists to make when selling your home

When you put your property up for sale, you want to make sure that potential buyers get all the information they need on the features of your home and its surrounding area. If, for example, a buyer doesn’t realize there is a great school just a couple of blocks away, he might cross your property off his shortlist.

An effective way to make sure something like that doesn’t happen is to create three lists.

#1: The “I’ll Miss It” list.

Chances are, there are things about your home that you’re really going to miss when you move. It may be the spacious living room, ideal for entertaining. Or maybe it’s the nearby park with scenic trails, perfect for walking and biking, or the large deck that has just the right combination of shade and sun to make…

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Imagine you have a major project at work, you have to deal with home schooling and you still need to deal with groceries, laundry and dinner. Whoa! That's a busy life.

Can you still find and buy a new home with such a tight schedule? The good news is, you can. In fact, there's plenty you can do to save time.

 Consider these tips:

  • Get specific about the home you want to buy. Think about property type (for example, "two story, detached"), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, special features, etc.
  • Target areas you'd like to live in. That will avoid trips to see listings in areas that aren't a good fit for you.
  • Get the financing arranged. You'll be able to shop for a new home with more confidence when you have a pre-arranged mortgage. It…

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Image result for house piggy bank

When looking at purchasing a home, one thing that many people are concerned about is the ability to put a down payment on the property. A 20% down payment of the purchase price of the home is typically required. If a 20% down payment is not doable, then a 5% option is available. However, you are then required to have mortgage insurance through CMHC to be able to qualify for the mortgage.

Regardless if it is a 5% or 20% down payment, the government of Canada allows home buyers to use their RRSPs to purchase a home without a penalty for withdrawing the RRSPs This is called Home Buyer’s Plan or HBP.

However, before you withdraw anything, the following conditions must be met:

1)     The maximum amount you can withdraw from your RRSPs per year is…

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